Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Gain Extra Muscle and Strength

Gain Extra Muscle and Strength

This short Blog post will give you some great advice on foods and drinks to help gain that extra muscle and strength. Also please keep a look out for future Blog posts on health and fitness advice coming up in the next days and weeks. I used to Blog from http://exerciseandhealth-harvey1234j.blogspot.co.uk/ but after a year or so out, I am back at this new address. 

Now onto the Blog post, enjoy......

Watermelon makes you stronger.....

Recent studies have shown that an amino acid found in watermelon has the potential to boost the amount of weight you can handle and add more reps to your workouts. The acid, known as Citrulline malate, buffers muscle fatigue if you consume it daily.

Protein Shakes add years on your life..... 

Now there's even more reason to enjoy your protein shakes before and after workouts, and as mid-day snacks.
Scientific studies have shown that consuming amino acids, the building blocks of protein, can increase your lifespan by up to 12%. The amino acids digested when you drink one protein shake a day increase activation of the mitochondria in cells, which in turn, slow down the ageing process.

Muscle-Building Tip.....

Studies carried out at the University of Wisconsin, found you lift faster in the evening, which increases muscle growth overnight, so keep your workouts for later in the day, and enjoy some light jogging or walking in the mornings.
Also, 20 minutes after your workout enjoy a bowl of Shreddies. Research from the university of Texas showed them to cause a 17% boost in the muscle-building process.

Build an impressive chest by doing crossover cables. This exercise will also keep your shoulders and rotator cuffs free from injury, and works your abs. 3 in 1, perfect.

And that's about it for now, with just a couple of quick tips about muscle building and foods. I hope you enjoy and please check my other blog posts, and look out for the ones to come, thanks again.

1 comment:

  1. The article is quite informative. This will help people who are very much interested in Fitness.

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